Rice Nog and Pear Oatmeal and A Juice Recipe

I've been on an oatmeal kick these past few days. I've been making apple and peanut butter oatmeal mostly, but I decided to try a new recipe today.

I found my favorite rice nog recently at my local grocery store and thought it would make a great liquid to cook oatmeal in. It gives such a great egg nog flavor to the oats and I loved the warmed pears added to this oatmeal recipe.

I've also been making fresh squeezed juice every morning since I've been home for winter break. I don't have a juicer at school, so I take full advantage of it when I'm home. This juice recipe is extremely delicious and has all of the nutritional benefits of carrots, oranges and strawberries.

I hope you enjoy these breakfast recipes. I've been enjoying them all week and plan to continue enjoying them for the next few days. The oatmeal and juice are perfect together and will keep you very full for hours.

Rice Nog and Pear Oatmeal:

1 cup rice nog (or regular egg nog)
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 pear, diced
1 stevia packet
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon almond butter (optional)
  1. Bring the rice nog to a simmer over high heat and stir in the oats. Bring down the heat to medium and cook until almost all of the liquid has been absorbed.
  2. In a bowl combine the diced pears, cinnamon, stevia and nutmeg and cook in the microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds until tender.
  3. Combine the oats and pears and stir in the almond butter (if choosing to add). Serve and enjoy.

Strawberry, Orange and Carrot Juice:

2 naval oranges, peeled and quartered
2 carrots, ends removed 
10 strawberries, tops removed
  1. Put all of the ingredients through a juicer, stir and add ice. Serve and enjoy!


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